Rice Lake added to Infested Waters List
Zebra Mussels confirmed in Grove Lake
Drainage Reports Available
Zebra Mussels confirmed in Lake Koronis
Conservation practices on irrigated cropland
With runoff, timing is everything
Grants available for updates to livestock operations
Reducing Risks of Manure Application During Wet Weather
Can Cover Crops Reduce Flooding?
2018 Research Report from MAISRC
Dirt rich: Healthy soil movement gains ground in farm country
Know Where and When to Apply Fall Nitrogen Fertilizer
Palmer Amaranth Found In Redwood County
Cover Crops Reap Financial Benefits, Not Just Environmental
Preventing the spread of spiny waterflea
MDA Grants Available for Crop Research
Funding Available for Sustainable Agriculture Projects
Minn. sweetens pot to shift cropland into conservation
'Conservation for a profitable farm' workshops offered
MN CREP and Continuous Conservation Reserve Program:
BWSR approves NFCR One Watershed, One Plan
Wet weather challenging manure storage capacity
Starry Trek
Water-saving strategies for home lawns
Land application of manure
Finding solutions: cover crops
Cover crop economics
Become an AIS Detector in 2018!
Farmers Fair - March 8th, Roscoe, MN
Midwest Soil Health Summit
Irrigators Clinic, January 11th
JD 1 Record Reestablishment Memo
Nine smart salting tips that protect Minnesota waters
Weather a challenge for fall-winter manure spreading
Funding Available for Sustainable Agriculture Projects
Illinois farmers testing new wheatgrass crop
Be proactive about wet weather impact on manure basins
Know Where and When to Apply Fall Nitrogen Fertilizer
State Grants Fund On-Farm Livestock Improvements
Cover crop pioneers gaining audience among farmers
LPE September webcast about manure handling safety
Funding Available for Sustainable Agriculture Projects
DNR tagging invasive carp for first time
Improving water quality 25% by 2025
Cover crops catching on
The Challenge of Tracking Nutrient Pollution 2,300 Miles
MDA - Cover crops
Yard and garden tips
Blue-green algae: If in doubt, stay out
Nutrient Removal in Agricultural Drainage Ditches
MN CREP sign-up kicks off May 15, 2017
Buffer Law Implementation Technical Guidance
Free nitrate screening available
Manure Management
What farmers are doing for Minnesota's water
Inspiring Action for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control
Innovation in Clean Water Practices and Technology
Our upper Mississippi River - What to protect, what to fix
Minnesota Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
No - Till/Soil Health Program at work in Clearwater County
How Healthy is your Soil?
Aquatic Invasive Species - Above and Below the Waterline
DNR designates Bonanza Valley Groundwater Management Area
Getting Iowa farmers to embrace the 'C' word
Become an AIS Tracker or Detector
Minnesota Wetland Bank for Agriculture gets $1 million boost
Innovative approach to water management takes next step
Manure Setbacks
Caught: A big koi fish in Gervais Lake
Lake Minnewashta zebra mussel treatment appears successful!
Buffer Law implementation guidance now available
DNR AIS News Releases
Disovery Farms Awarded Conservation Innovation Grant
Another NFCRWD Lake Infested with Starry Stonewort
Cover crop survey shows support for soil-saving practice
Soybean Growers publish WRAPS handbook for farmers
Lake Koronis launches aggressive starry stonewort attack
Which lakes and rivers are listed as infested with AIS?
2016 AIS Research and Management Showcase!
MDA publishes 2016 Greenbook
Ag water quality certification reaches 100,000 acres
The Cropping Systems Calculator
Phosphorus Management on Livestock Farms
Stearns Conservation Tour 2016
Planting Natives for Beauty & Biodiversity