Land application of manure
Everyone who applies manure to cropland must observe application setbacks to water features and apply at agronomic rates.
Whenever a feedlot owner applies for a permit they are required to develop and maintain a manure management plan (MMP). Development of a MMP is recommended for all those that apply manure to ensure they utilize the nutrients properly: not only to protect water quality but to also ensure they are minimizing their costs for commercial fertilizers.
Manure management plan tools
MPCA Manure Management Planner (wq-f6-12)
- Note: You must save this file to your computer for it to work correctly.
MPCA Manure Management Planner (paper version)
Transferred ownership MMP form (wq-f8-12)
- Note: This form is incorporated into the Excel (electronic entry) version of the MPCA Manure Management Planner to accommodate instances when manure ownership is both retained and transferred at the same facility.
Manure Management Plan - Sensitive Area Guidelines
Manure Management Plan Requirements and Checklist
Resources for small farms and those not required to have a MMP
Manure Management Plan – A step-by-step guide for Minnesota Feedlot Operators
Manure Nutrient Management – Short Plan
Manure Application Rate Guide
Land application records for 300 or more animal units (wq-f6-23a)
Instructions: Land application records for 300 or more animal units (wq-f6-23b)
Transferred ownership records - 300 or More Animal Units
Manure application record – 100-299 AU
Land application practices
Land Application of Manure: Minimum State Requirements
Manure Application Rate Guide
Applying Manure in Sensitive Areas (2005)(wq-f6-37)
Practices for successful fall livestock manure application
Managing Manure and Land Application During Adverse Weather Conditions
Manure nitrogen rates for corn production (wq-f8-18)
Manure management for corn on irrigated sandy soils (wq-f8-52)
Runoff Reductions with Incorporated Manure - a Literature Review
Land Application Agreement Template
Best management practices for pathogen control in manure management systems
Other resources
- Manure Management and Environmental Quality — University of Minnesota
- Commercial Animal Waste Technician Licensing - Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- Manure Nutrient Management - Minnesota NRCS
Using the soil nitrate test in Minnesota
Minnesota Phosphorus Index
Certified Manure Testing Laboratories