'Conservation for a profitable farm' workshops offered

A series of workshops about "conservation for a profitable farm business" in the Shakopee Creek Watershed will provide farmers and landowners an opportunity to learn from other farmers and experts ways to support profitable farming while building healthy soils and maintaining clean water. Remaining workshops include:

  • Aug. 7, 4-7 p.m., integrating livestock into row crops, Kerkhoven Community Center, 301 10th St.
    • Farmer, grazier and soil health speaker Kent Solberg will be presenting ways to increase farm profits, stack enterprises, reduce inputs, diversify farm income, increase farm resilience and build soils by integrating livestock onto row-crop acres. We will also present the Cropping Systems Calculator, a tool to assess the costs and benefits of different row cropping plans which can also include grazing. A light supper will be served.
  • Sept. 11, 4-7 p.m., farmland management, conservation legacy and working lands, Kerkhoven Community Center.
    • This "Conservation Legacy and Working Lands" workshop will cover managing your land for stewardship, whether it’s cropland or pasture you rent out, your own cropland, or land ill-suited for row crops. We will talk about conservation leases and ways that landowners and land lessors/renters can build soil together, land legacy programs, and ways to promote conservation on your working land. A light supper will be served.

To register contact SWCD offices in Chippewa, Kandiyohi, or Swift counties, or Land Stewardship Project office in Montevideo, 320-269-2105.