Bonanza Valley Ground Water Management Area (GWMA) Pilot Project
Groundwater is vital to Minnesota’s health and prosperity. Groundwater use in the Bonanza Valley has increased 175 percent over the past 25 years. Statewide there has been a 35 percent increase in groundwater use over the past 25 years. Increasing groundwater use increases the risk of overuse and contamination. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is establishing a Groundwater Management Area in the Bonanza Valley area in central Minnesota to ensure sustainable use of groundwater. The first step was to form a
Project Advisory Team to advise the DNR’s development of a plan. The purpose of the plan is to guide DNR actions in managing the appropriation and use of groundwater within the Groundwater Management Area over the next five years.The groundwater management area strategic plan focuses on sustainability of resources through a transparent process involving local stakeholders. A Project Advisory Team (PAT) has been established to maintain open communication and provide public input into the plan.
Project Manager: Mark Hauck (DNR) - (320)223-7846 Email
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