Case studies outline options for reducing excess phosphorus from manure land application
County feedlot officers, regional MPCA feedlot staff, and Soil and Water Conservation District staff work with some livestock producers who are land-limited and who may reach excessive soil test phosphorus levels from over-application of manure and fertilizer phosphorus. This creates a risk of elevated phosphorus in field runoff and drainage water.
Strategies for reducing total farm phosphorus import/export imbalances are illustrated in nine Minnesota farm case studies posted in the Manure Application section of the University of Minnesota Extension Manure Management and Air Quality website at These strategies and others were presented and discussed in workshops, field days, and presentations across the state in 2015 and 2016. They are available for anyone working with livestock producers.
Case studies addressing grid soil sampling for guiding manure application, others for economic valuation of manure nutrients for optimal application rates, as well as other resources, are available for use by livestock producers, agricultural professionals, and agency staff at the same website.