Judicial Ditch 1 (JD-1) - Pope / Stearns Counties

Judicial Ditch 1, otherwise known as JD 1, is located in both Pope and Stearns County.  This system was originally constructed in 1907 and completed in 1910.  It comprises 42 miles of open channel and closed tile and accepts drainage from an area of 25,000 acres.


JD 1 Record Reestablishment Memo

The purpose of this report is to provide the North Fork Crow River Watershed District (NFCRWD) with results of the investigation and analysis of the Pope-Stearns Judicial Ditch 1 (JD 1) public drainage system. This report contains the necessary description of the alignment; cross-section; grade; hydraulic structure locations, materials, dimensions, and elevations; and right-of-way of the drainage system to reestablish records as requested by NFCRWD. The JD 1 public drainage system, which consists of a main trunk with twelve branches, is located in both Pope and Stearns County.

Full report here

JD 1 Survey of Existing Conditions

Surveying the channel. Bank erosion on the right.
Surveying the channel. Bank erosion on the right.
In 2015-2016 the NFCRWD Board conducted extensive survey on the remaining reaches of Judicial Ditch 1 (JD 1), excluding JD 1 Branch 12 which was completed in 2015.